Torrid Mix


Instrumentation: piano and tape
Duration: 9.5 minutes
Recording Available: Yes
Performed: Yes
Catalog ID: RE1045
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One of Mobberley's principal students has been Dr. Michael McFerron, whose 2006 "Torrid Mix" closed out the first half of the program. A duet for piano and a preprogrammed CD, it was another vehicle for Robert Pherigo's solid, solid playing.

Driving, propulsive, aptly named and well received, its long middle section calls to mind Martin Denny's music only faster, louder, with a much denser and more interesting sonic matrix, and not 60 years out of date.

John Heuertz
The Kansas City Star

The highlight of the concert was probably Torrid Mix: Featuring DJ Jazzy King and Master L.T. for piano and tape by host Mike McFerron, featuring pianist Irina Feoktistova.

Bruce Bennett
Computer Music Journal

"Kai estin au mousike peri harmonian kai rythmon eroticon epistime..."
(And music, in turn, is knowledge of harmony and rhythm of love)

Torrid Mix was written in 2006. The electroacoustic tape part was created entirely by manipulating piano and voice samples. This work is written and dedicated to pianist GÉNIA: Website.

Written for London based pianist GÉNIA who is featured on the recording.
Visit GÉNIA's Website